Thursday, 15 May 2014

Red Squirrel and a nice little find at the hide - a Green Hairstreak butterfly (thanks to Wendy Anderson)

The other evening I spent a few hours at the hide. Lots of Siskin about, Chaffinch, Coal and Great Tits. An hour or so later the two regular Red Kites hovered just over the hide and pretty closely, calling, making an amazing sound! I could also hear a Cuckoo in the distance.

A Red Squirrel showed up just after 5pm and enjoyed a hazelnut or two...

Yesterday we had two guests at the hide to photograph the squirrels and Wendy had a lucky find and managed to get a quick shot of this lovely Green Hairstreak butterfly! It is a first sighting of one of these for me and it was for Wendy too. (© Wendy Anderson)

For Red Squirrel photography workshop/hide rental enquiries please email:


  1. hi Eve
    Whenever I look at you on the blog I'm thrilled anew .. beautiful pictures .. brilliant sharpness and super screen layout ...
    the sweet squirrel .. melt to go. :-))
    regards Frank

  2. Hey Eve,
    Great squirrel shot. So cute!!
    Very well done!!

    Best regards,

  3. Ha Eve geweldig mooi die eekhoorn hij staat er prachtig op en het groentje heb je er ook mooi opstaan.
